Friday, June 17, 2016

Basic Tech part 1- The dehumidifier

As before, I mentioned that my processor came with lots of do-dads and thing-a-majigs. I've not really gotten into anything other than bare basics. Chargers, batteries, drying machine.

I live in Florida and as the state is basically a giant sand-bar with a swamp in the middle- it's humid. In the Society for Creative Anachronism (, which I am a part of- the joke is that Trimarans (folk from Florida) have gills. Hearing aids, unfortunately do not have gills. The de-humidifying of hearing aids is absolutely essential here in Florida. Up until recently, I used a dry-aid box to place my aids in nightly. Within the plastic jar, there was a container with silica beads that soak up moisture and help to keep your small electronics dry and functioning. I used this religiously- even with my waterproof Siemens Aquaris aids. This was a handy thing because it also gave me a water-tight  (and cat-proof) container to keep my aids in over night or while camping.With my new processor, I got an upgrade!

As shown below, I Received a Zephyr Dry and Store dehumidifier with my processor:

This uses a combination of a desiccant- Dry Brik II and electronic warm-air movement to take humidity out of small hearing instruments. It works on an 8-hour cycle. It is also cat-proof!

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