Friday, July 8, 2016

post audiologist visit

Well I went to my audiologist appointment and we seem to have solved the problems I was having with the Auto Ultra Zoom program. We turned it off completely and fussed with my settings a bit so I could hear those softer sounds I was missing. I did another aided listening test and got about 50% of the sentences correct using only my implant/processor. We decided that my left ear was giving me more help than we realized- especially in the low tones and so we put an ear plug in that ear for the test. This helps us determine what I am really getting on just the implant.

Now, keep in mind that these tests are conducted in a sound-proof booth in a quiet environment. They are ideal conditions. Also keep in mind that these are sentences played on a speaker with no human reference and no context. They're a very good test of what can be heard and understood in an ideal environment- something that almost never occurs in reality. There is always background noise and usually some context (unless you're my husband- who is capable of coming up with things to say out of the blue  just to confuse the heck outta me).

After adjusting the programming and putting me back on a wide-band (hear it all) mode, I came home with two programs. One with more high-pitched sounds than the other. I think we may have gotten things a little loud. I am finding I turn the volume down when I put on my processor each day. We'll see if I adjust to it or not. I also got permission to wear my hearing aid in the other ear along with my implant.

At this point, my audiologist says they start scheduling programming appointments every 2 months, but because I teach (restricted schedule), and I work with both signers and students using Listening and Spoken Language we scheduled another appointment the week before school starts. Hopefully by that time I will be able to tell how well I am doing in the school environment- teachers go back the week before students- and will be able to have programming adjusted accordingly.

For now I seem to be doing MUCH better at hearing things! My only complaint has nothing to do with my implant/processor and more to do with the construction continuing around my house- ALL THE NOISES! I have no idea what they are...

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