Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Streaming music!!!

Well today as I was unpacking my sewing room, I finally had time to try streaming music at home. I was a little apprehensive of this, but thought- "what the heck, I'll give it a try."  So I grabbed my iPod out of my car and plugged it in to my roger pen, made sure I was wearing the battery with the roger receiver on it,put on some old music and let it go. I picked stuff I knew well and an artist I knew I wouldn't have any problem understanding just in case. Amazingly- it worked! I had a little trouble adjusting the volume at first until I found a comfortable level, but I was able to go about the business of unpacking while letting my iPod and roger pen sit in a safe corner of the room.
The range is great, too. I was able to walk through most of my house and keep signal. Now I know how far away my kids have to be before they lose me in school too. Good thing I take my mic off to visit the teacher's powder room! Admittedly, I don't think that's actually a problem at school with the thick, cinder-block and brick construction- but it does give me a better idea of true range with the roger system.
I did notice that using the roger system didn't seem to exclude everything else out there.. but again this could be odd circumstances. As I was listening and unpacking I occasionally turned on the vacuum cleaner and it drowned out EVERYTHING while it was on. This could be a combination of things, such as my proximity to the noise, the mic picking up the noise, or my good ear (with regular aid) hearing the noise and ignoring the signal coming from my processor.
So my second great try will be for using my phone on a bluetooth setting with my roger pen as a streaming receiver. I'll let you know how it goes.

On the sad side- it seems I am mildly allergic to my new house and have a never-ending case of sniffles *annoyed growl*.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!! I was hoping you would get your music back!!!
