Tuesday, July 5, 2016

AFK- moving

Well I've been off for about a week- we've been moving! Yes, you read that right. Amongst all of the other crazy, my husband and I have purchased and moved into our first home. It's been 6 months in the making. Before I even decided to be evaluated for an implant, we bought a house. We knew we'd be moving in June- there was no avoiding the timing.
So on top of teaching my first year, being a full time graduate student, getting a cochlear implant, and  taking several required district classes during spring and summer, we bought our first home and moved. It's been a crazy year!

So later today I will be going back in to see my audiologist. I'll admit I've been bad and used my other hearing aid for the last week. I haven't been able to hear almost anything unless someone is right in front of me, facing me. This is a problem when we are hauling and moving boxes and packing/unpacking. It's simply not ideal for having to be facing the person you're talking to every single time you speak. Both my husband and I were getting frustrated and with all the stress- it wasn't worth it. I think the culprit is the Auto Ultra Zoom function we put into my processor last time. We also seem to have solved the problem with sound randomly cutting out on me. I think it was the cord that links my headpiece to my processor. We replaced that last time to see if that was the problem and it seems to have been. We will have to order a replacement cord.

I've also learned that I can't hear our doorbell unless I'm in the hallway with it. *SIGH* how aggravating!! I think I'm gonna have to break down and buy a doorbell flasher... GRRRR...

I'll update as soon as I can with how we fixed the problem this afternoon at my appointment. I'll probably be a bit sporadic in the next week or so- I will be doing (yet more still) unpacking and finishing up the 6 modules I have left for my ESOL class and doing a little side work for my parents' company as they move into shiny, new, not-in their house offices!

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