Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Recovery Day 1

Day 1 of recovery: Still no pain- no meds are necessary. Very little dizziness. All is going well. I'm up and about just fine and trying to remember I'm on restriction from bending, lifting, pushing, anythinging!! I also still can't see. The being blind is getting aggravating.

I get creative and pop a lens out of an old pair of glasses so I can at least see when I HAVE to. I look like a total idiot, but oh well.

I snooze off and on throughout the day and decide to start this blog. I hunt down a list of free blog sites and pick one. I've got my 21 inch Mac screen 4 inches from my nose and zoomed all the way in. I can still barely follow what I'm typing and can't see the keys on the keyboard. *SIGH*

I'm still trying to figure out this blog-thing. I get the typing part. I can do that. I still don't know how to give people the link, or how to "set it up" so it looks like something. I'm not sure if it's because I just know nothing about blogging or whether this is somewhat medication induced fuzziness. I decide  to deal with it later. Get the beginning parts down before I forget. Got it. Done...

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