Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Surgery Day

So it's the day of my surgery. I am both anxious and not. I am in a hurry to get this over with because I haven't eaten since the night before. I am coffee-less, which is dangerous to those around me. I am food-less which means I am also grumpy. I am beyond incensed when I arrive and they ask for a urine sample but I haven't been allowed any fluids since midnight the night before. REALLY?! I ask... I eventually get over it.
They take me in and dress me in my fairly dignified gown (six sizes too big, of course). I sit in the bed and wait. They come in and poke me pointlessly for 10 minutes before they stick me with a needle and can't find a vein where they want to put it and finally give up and put the IV needle in my elbow. All is well. They give me my meds and cart me off. I'm out within 5 minutes.

I wake up and say hi- and go back to sleep. I wake up a few more times and eventually get something to drink- iced apple juice of the GODS!! I happily slurp it down and stay awake long enough to be discharged. I'm not too dizzy. No pain. My husband informs me that the doc told him all went well, and showed him pictures. He was not so thrilled to see those. They're a little gruesome, but hey, who doesn't like to have pictures of the surgery they just had, right? Oh well.

So we run through KFC on the way home and I happily gobble down food. We get home and I take a nap sitting up. Still no pain, minimal dizziness. YAY!

My mom has left me buttercream iced cupcakes on the table.

I rest up and text friends and family that all is well, with my iPhone 2 inches from my face. I can't put in contacts until two days later after the anti-tearing meds they gave me during surgery wear off.

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