Thursday, May 26, 2016

Recovery Day 3

Ahhh how glorious it feels to have clean hair!! Don't get me wrong, the Doc did a spectacular job and didn't harm a hair on my head- but there's goo.... and hair stuck in weird positions due to said goo. Up until now I've only been allowed showers from the neck-down. Today I finally got to wash my hair.

Showering was a bit of a nuisance because we have a 3.5x3.5 ft. shower stall and no tub. The whole "no bending, lifting, pushing, scooting, etc." rule is not doable in a tiny shower stall with nowhere but the floor to store shampoo and such. I'll admit to bending the rule a bit. It's not like I can fall over in the shower- it's too small.  I also had to stick a vaseline covered cotton ball in my ear to keep it dry. BLEH! It's a good thing I can't feel that ear or I'd be grossed out.

I haven't been sleeping wonderfully. I'm not sure if it's because I've chosen to sleep sitting up with a wedge pillow behind me for support, or because the meds have me all messed up. I'm in no pain. There is some mild discomfort- especially when sleeping. I can't sleep on the side they placed the implant on while it's still healing, obviously. My neck gets stiff often and I am waking up a lot.
Not to mention that every time I wake up, my derpy cat thinks it's time to get up and have a can! I've mentioned to him several times that I physically can't feed him (no bending restriction, remember?). He disagrees- profusely, with snuggles, and dough-making on my body parts, and loud purrs. Its obnoxious and I end up locking him out of the bedroom around 4:30AM. He then howls at the door all morning. I'm Deaf. I can't hear it. I sleep on in bliss while my husband listens to the cat howl. Being deaf has it's advantages.

It being Memorial Day weekend and all, my husband has decided we should go up and visit his family on the other side of the state. We'll also be visiting with other friends and chosen family while up there. I think he's secretly just trying to keep me out of my parent's newly refinished and now heated swimming pool. They live a few blocks away. I think I even own a bathing suit- somewhere. I only live in Florida.

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