Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Considering the risks

So there are some risks to having a cochlear implant surgery done...

Most of those risks are minor- but must be considered carefully. There is a small risk of meningitis. After all, they are drilling a small hole into the skull to fish that electrode through. That risk is minimized by a few vaccines you are required to get before surgery.  Then there's the partial facial paralysis that can happen if the wrong nerves are fussed with. Again- this doesn't happen very often anymore as surgeons are practiced at placing the implant very precisely. Then comes the more annoying than serious side effect of having a metallic taste in your mouth for a while after the surgery because of a nerve they often get close to during placement. Also bouts of dizziness for up to 6 months after surgery. This is not a comprehensive list of side effects. This is what I remember off the top of my head; But it should be made clear that there ARE possible side effects that are very serious in nature. It is important to weigh these carefully against benefits. For myself- I decided that it was worth it.

So after all the tests and requirements, weighing in of risks vs. benefits- I decided to go for it. I set up a time and within a month, had a surgery date of May 23rd. Wow, I thought...This is really happening!

I Anxiously awaited the date when I would go in for my pre-operation check-in. I spoke with my doctor/surgeon, picked out all of my equipment and spoke with my audiologist. I picked up all of my prescriptions that I would need afterwards. I had them schedule a post-op. ASL interpreter so I could get directions from nurses and doctors. Being Deaf, and mostly blind (my eye sight is awful) and not being able to hang glasses off my ears nor wear contacts due to having surgery, made it so I needed to be able to see the directions given to me by a human being who could get up close enough for me to see! THAT was an adventure. Everything was ready to go.

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