Thursday, May 26, 2016

Recovery Day 2

Well by 5 AM I'd had it with the packing around my ear. I forced myself to wait until a reasonable hour (around 8AM) to take the thing off!  First though, I put in my contact. Finally I can see again! Then, I promptly took all the stuff off my ear. I'll be nice and just say EEEEEMWWWW.. and get on with it. It didn't hurt and I had my husband gently dab at the gore and goo with hydrogen peroxide per the instructions sent home with me from the hospital. My ear is full of blood and gore and I can't really do anything about it. I have to keep the inside of my ear dry. I'll admit I got nauseous and had to resort to the zofran they gave me. I quickly recovered. As a side note- The doctor said I could take the packing off of my ear in 2 days- I am following instructions with enthusiasm!

I can't feel my ear. It's numb. I have mild tension on that side, I assume from the stitches which I am informed are tiny and right against the base of my ear- totally unnoticeable and probably also from having a small magnet and hard drive now inside my skin on that side. I don't have a hand-mirror ( I know, what kind of girl am I?!) so I have no idea what any of this looks like. We applied the topical solution as instructed to my stitches and I was able to very gently run a brush through my hair so I don't look like a scary beast. I'm still wearing boat-necked shirts and soft, comfy clothes due to my "resting" status.

I got online to check my school email and keep up with happenings to find that the soon to be retired IT guy is re-imaging all of the school computers this Friday and I needed to save all of my files. So my wonderful husband drove me into school so I could save all of my files on a flash drive. I saw my students who, of course, all wanted to see the wound. I teach middle school. I also received a plethora of adorably misspelled "get well" cards from all of my students.

I came home and took a half-nap. It doesn't count as a whole nap when you wake up every 5 minutes from the cat climbing on you. *SIGH* 

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